30 June 2010

day 08/09/10/11

wow. it's been a while since i've had an opportunity to update. glad to report that everything is fine and that I'm doing really well. the other day, as i was setting up camp and registering for the night, i had to ask the date. i had no clue what day it was. at this point everyday is just melting into the next, becoming one long day. i'm trying to figure out what exactly defines a new day for me in chicago, because i'm always very much aware of what day of the week it is (except of course on those disorienting mondays when i wake up hoping it's still only sunday). i realize i'm reaching full traveling mode as i'm starting to shed my teaching weight, getting some crazy tan lines, and becoming reacquainted with washing my clothes by hand. i might not be as fresh as i'd like to be, but you'd be hard pressed to find a cleaner touring bicyclist. i'm thankful my mom showed me the ropes of washing clothes by hand at an early age. i could use a washing board and a bar of Zote, but i'm making due just fine.

now a quick update.

day 08 was a designed short day. only traveled about 30 miles. really needed to let my body recuperate after the shock of the first week. it felt really good to ride for only a few hours before setting up camp. i had a great lunch at some small lodge in kooskia, ID. the fresh veggies and huckleberry pie did my body wonders. just because i can eat anything i want doesn't mean i should, which i found out the hard way. i was so preoccupied with just filling my body with calories, i failed to really eat balanced meals. well, the great meal and a good nights sleep set up an awesome ride the next day.

day 09 was a day of decisions. stick to the plan and watch the mexico/argentina game at my campsite in the bar, and head out late for a short 20 mile ride, or wake up early and try to make it to the next town to catch the end of the game. i opted for the latter. rode 67 miles before 1pm, and was able to see my beloved mexico lose to argentina. again! i drowned my sorrow in some fantastic idaho barbecue, then rode up lolo pass at an elevation of 5225 feet, and crossed into montana and a new time zone. 95 miles. amazing.

day 10 took me to lolo, hamilton, and eventually darby, MT. it was a relaxing 75 miles, except for the blazing sun. the temperature was close to 95 degrees. i was really excited to reach my campsite and relax in some shade. then at about midnight, i was awaken by these amazing gusts of wind that almost pushed over my tent. i left my stakes in chicago to stay as light as possible, and i looked really silly scrambling in the middle of the night with my sleeping bag and tent trying to find trees to protect me from the wind, or something heavy to hold my tent in place. i eventually found four, old, rusty forks left behind by other campers that worked perfectly.

day 11 was a monster. nothing went my way it seemed. the power was out at sula, MT which prevented me from getting the big lunch i was craving and needed to get over chief joseph pass. after grazing on some light snacks at a convenience store and stalling by talking to anyone that came into the store, i hesitantly proceeded up the pass with little fuel in my belly. of course, the wind was right in my face the whole time. and of course, i'm finding out that my bike doesn't have that next smallest gear designed for climbs like these. after struggling for half an hour, i decided walking my bike was my only viable option. it felt like being in zacatecas, hiking up for over two hours on the shoulder of a busy road. no one offered me a ride, and i wasn't going to ask today. i needed to get up on my own. i finally made it to the top of the pass at 7014 feet about three hours later. it felt great, but i now realize i need to invest in a lower gear at the next bike shop. i love hiking to the top of mountains, and hills, and monuments, but not while pushing a bike loaded with gear. i made it to wisdom, MT, dehydrated and exhausted. a big meal, meeting some fellow cyclists, and then camping next to a church in the rain surrounded by swarming mosquitos ended a long day.

and now off to ride again.


  1. Damn I'm jealous. Sounds like an awesome trip.
    Next time Im riding too!

  2. Stop lying Efrain.

  3. Glad to hear things are going well for you! Claire and I are quite a bit behind, having just arrived in Missoula yesterday. I am now updating my blog if you want to check it out! Best of luck with the rest of your journey.


  4. Unfortunately i had to pay the bills this summer. For sure next time. Just keep it in the U.S. ;)
