11 July 2010

week 02/03 totals

day 08 31.74 miles
day 09 95.23 miles
day 10 76.56 miles
day 11 58.02 miles
day 12 45.61 miles
day 13 00.00 miles
day 14 84.60 miles

day 15 50.13 miles
day 16 56.13 miles
day 17 66.13 miles
day 18 37.11 miles
day 19 76.02 miles
day 20 82.68 miles
day 21 109.49 miles

math challenge (intended for my students, but anyone can send me their reply!)

04. between which consecutive days was there the least difference in miles traveled?

05. if you were to use the data from weeks 02 and 03 to create a line graph, what would be an appropriate scale to plot the miles traveled?

06. in total, i covered 869.45 miles. how many yards does this equal?

send replies to jvelazquez1@cps.edu

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